25 de mame arata corpurile lor dupa nastere

21 Ianuarie 2019

de Irina Olteanu

Modificarile prin care trece corpul unei femei in timpul sarcinii pot fi de multe ori majore. Pentru ca toate au rostul de a aduce pe lume o noua viata, mai multe mamici au impartasit pe Instagram imagini cu modul in care le-a transformat sarcina si nasterea.

Una dintre provocarile dificile experimentata de o femeie dupa ce naste este sa nu se mai simta nesigura si rusinata de corpul sau. Contul de Instagram @takebackpostpartum isi doreste sa schimbe modul in care femeile se privesc pe sine insele si corpurile lor dupa nastere impartasind fotografii reale cu proaspete mamici insotite de povestile lor de viata. Ti le povestim si tie in continuare:

1. “Obisnuiam sa ma cantaresc in fiecare dimineata. Ma asiguram mereu ca sunt prima care ajunge la baie. Ma coplesea un val de anxietate pe masura ce cantarul oscila, iar eu asteptam. Acela era momentul in care stiam ce fel de zi urma sa am. Va fi una pozitiva si voi astepta ziua cu bucurie pentru ca numarul era cu 1 kg in minus mai mic decat ieri dimineata? Sau voi incepe sa ma spal nervoasa pe dinti si ma voi ameninta singura sa mananc doar o salata deorece numarul era cu 1 kg mai mare decat ieri? In felul acesta traiam. Asta ma distrugea. Eram convinsa pe deplin ca era singurul mod de a fi fericita. Ca acesta era singurul mod de a ajunge unde trebuie pentru a deveni mama. Mi-am repetat mie insami ca singurul mod de a fi fericita este sa fiu slaba. Asa ca am slabit. Dar nu am simtit niciodata ca era indeajuns. M-am antrenat doar ca sa slabesc, nu in modul in care o fac acum cand ma concentrez mai mult pe cum ma simt. Apoi l-am avut pe Maci. Pentru prima data am fost recunoscatoare pentru corpul meu. A fost un moment dupa ce s-a nascut in care am stat in baia din spital inainte sa fac primul dus postpartum. Eram doar in halat si ma priveam in oglinda. Imi amintesc in reluare momentul deoarece am evitat oglinda timp de mai multi ani, chiar si in cea mai mare parte a sarcinii. Inchizand ochii, am dezlegat cordonul, iar halatul s-a departat cativa centimetri. Am inghetat cateva secunde inainte ca halatul sa cada pe podea. Asta eram. M-am privit ca si cum era prima data, dar dupa cateva secunde am inchis ochii. M-am rasucit si am mers catre dus. Acela a fost momentul de inceput al calatoriei mele de dragoste pentru mine. Nu s-a petrecut rapid. Dar nu s-ar fi petrecut niciodata daca nu as fi incercat.”


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“I used to weigh myself every morning. I would always make sure to go to the bathroom first. There would be a rush of anxiety as the scale blinked while I stared down in anticipation. It was the moment that would depict how I approached my day. Would I be positive and embrace the day happily because the number was a whole .1 lower than yesterday morning? Or would I angrily start brushing my teeth and threaten myself to only eat a salad for today because the number was a whole .1 higher than yesterday? This was how I lived. It was destroying me. And I was completely convinced that this was the only way to be happy. This was the only way I would get to where I was supposed to be in order to become a mother. I repeated to myself that the only way to be happy was to be skinny. So I lost weight. And it never felt like it was enough. I worked out only to lose weight, rather than the way I do now where I focus more on how it makes me feel. But then I had Maci. For the first time, I felt thankful for my body. There was a moment after she was born that I stood in the hospital bathroom just before I took my first postpartum shower. I was only in my robe as I stared into the mirror. I almost remember it in slow motion because I had avoided a mirror for years, even throughout most of my pregnancy. Locking eyes with myself, I tugged the string and the robe separated a few inches. I froze for a few seconds before I let the robe fall down to the ground. And there I was. I saw me for what felt like the very first time, but after another few seconds, I closed my eyes. I turned around and walked towards the shower. This moment was just the beginning of my self-love journey. It doesn’t happen quickly. But it never would have happened had I not tried.” Image & Caption by @meg.boggs. #this_is_postpartum #takebackpostpartum

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2. “Recunoscatoare pentru acest corp care mi-a hranit bebelusii. I-am spus lui Ira sa imi arate muschii si a luat provocarea in serios. Sanii mei sunt in mod constant de doua marimi diferite, dar partea buna este ca simt ca imi revine energia.”

3. “Asa arata postpartum si este in regula pentru mine. Cred ca cel mai important lucru pe care mamele pot sa si-l ofere una alteia este sa transmita in mod sincer si iubitor povestile noastre. Zilele de dupa nastere au fost ascunse de ochii tuturor pana recent si cred ca s-a intamplat astfel deoarece imaginea stomacului meu care parea inca insarcinat, lenjeria imensa si tampoanele medicale erau prea greu de suportat si nu o priveliste placuta. Vreau sa schimb povestea. Vergeturile care imi umplu partea inferioara a stomacului sunt cu adevarat preferatele mele. Iar corpul mamei mele, exact asa cum este, reprezinta un memento constant al perioadei in care am crescut. Atunci cand m-am marit cu dragoste. Atunci cand am avut voie sa indraznesc. Si atunci cand m-am modelat usor. Cred ca marimea si forma pe care o am in prezent sunt incredibil de frumoase. Cred ca merita fiecare gram de dragoste pe care lumea il are de oferit. Il gasesc mult mai atractiv si incredibil si sexy si minunat decat orice alta fiinta umana ar putea. Acesta este scopul meu, mamelor. Cea mai puternica speranta pentru fiecare mama si femeie este sa simta la fel de multa bucurie, impacare si admiratie pentru corpurile lor la fel cum simt pentru al meu. Mi-a luat peste doi ani sa ajung in acest loc mental si emotional. Si a meritat pe deplin. Noile mame, veterane de razboi, si fiecare mama din lume, haideti sa continuam sa spunem o versiune diferita a povestii pe care societatea ne-o dicteaza despre experienta postpartum. Haideti sa modificam cursul povestii despre cum ne fac casele noastre fizice sa ne simtim, cele care au lasat miracole sa se intample. Haideti sa ripostam cu acceptare si adoratie pentru noi insine. Deoarece suntem minunate”.

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“This is #postpartum and this is A-OK by me. 🦋 I think the biggest thing moms can offer each other is to lovingly and honestly share our stories. The days after giving #birth have been largely hidden away from public sharing until recently, and I think that may be because there’s an implication that the image of my still pregnant-looking stomach and gauze undies and medical pads might be too much to handle or not pleasing to see. I want to change that narrative. The stretch marks that cascade across my lower stomach are truly one of my favorite parts about my body now. And my mom bod – exactly as it is – serves as a constant reminder of a moment in time when I vulnerably grew. When I lovingly expanded. When I courageously allowed. And when I easily softened. I find my current size and shape to be utterly beautiful. I find it worthy of every ounce of love this world has to offer. I probably find it more attractive and incredible and sexy and awesome than any other human being will. Which is the goal, mamas. My deepest hope for every single mom – and woman – is to feel as much joy, peace of mind, and admiration for their own bodies as I do for mine. It’s taken over two years of hard work to get to this mental and emotional place. And it has been every bit worth it. New moms, seasoned veterans, and every single mother in between – let’s all continue telling a different version of the story society likes to dictate to us about the postpartum experience. Let’s rise up in our narrative of how we feel about the physical homes that have made miracles happen. Let’s fight back with full acceptance and adoration for ourselves. Because we are amazing.” Words and image by @thelindsaywolf . . . . . . . . #effyourbeautystandards #thisispostpartum #ihaveembraced #plussize #plussizepregnancy #motherhood #stretchmarks #givingbirth #youareworthy #selflove #bodypositive #postpartumbody #mombod #love #allbodiesaregoodbodies #loveyourself #this_is_postpartum

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4. “Un mesaj catre noua mamica. S-ar putea sa nu iti mai recunosti propriul corp, dar ai nevoie de putin timp. Este posibil sa arati insarcinata la cateva saptamani dupa nastere, este normal. Buricul tau va arata asa cum obisnuia, in final. Corpul tau s-ar putea sa sufere niste schimbari fizice permanente, imbratiseaza-le. S-ar putea sa pierzi o multime de par in primele luni, nu te panica este o faza normala. Hormonii tai se ajusteaza singuri, vor creste, vor descreste si probabil vor exista lacrimi. S-ar putea sa ai baby blues sau depresie postpartum, afla ca este in regula si cere ajutor si sprijin, nu esti singura. Calatoria ta de alaptare s-ar putea sa nu fie atat de usoara pe cat te asteptai, nu te invinovati si accepta ca va dura. Este posibil sa sangerezi mai multe saptamani dupa ce nasi, ca si cum ai avea o menstruatie lunga si dureroasa. Va trebui sa cresti aportul de fibre, crede-ne. S-ar putea sa transpiri mult si sa simti ca te afli in canicula in primele zile, multumeste-le hormonilor. Vei avea cicatrice permanente pe corp, sunt simple amintiri ale faptului ca avem corpuri puternice, invata sa le iubesti. Maternitatea ne schimba, fizic, mental si emotional. Unele dintre schimbari sunt permanente, majoritatea temporare, aminteste-ti ca nu esti singura. Bine ai venit in club, mamico, suntem cu tine. Dragi mamici, daca nu apare ceva in lista, scrieti voi mai departe.”

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“A note to the new mama. 🤱🏻 You may not recognise your own body anymore, but you need to give it time. _ It’s possible you’ll still look pregnant weeks after birth, this is normal. _ Your belly button will look the way it used to, eventually. _ Your body may have made some permanent physical changes, embrace them. _ You may lose a lot of hair in the first few months, don’t panic it’s a normal phase. _ Your hormones are adjusting themselves, there will be high, lows and probably tears. _ You may get the baby blues or postpartum depression, know that this is okay and ask for help and support, you’re not alone. _ Your breastfeeding journey (if you do) may not be as easy as you expected, don’t beat yourself up and it will take time. _ You may bleed for weeks after giving birth, like a big pain in the ass period. _ You need to increase you fiber intake… just trust us on this one! _ You may sweat a lot and feel like you’re in a constant heat wave in the first few days, thank you hormones. _ You may have permanent scars on your body, these are simply reminders of how strong our amazing bodies are, learn to love them. _ Motherhood changes us, physically, mentally and emotionally. Some of these changes permanent, most temporary, remember you’re not alone. _ Welcome to the club mama, we got you. . Fellow mama’s – if I haven’t listed it here, let a new mama know something.” 😘 Caption and image by @katie_newnham. #postpartum #takebackpostpartum

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5.”Cum poti considera asta urat? Asta este maternitatea. Povestea mea, marcata de pe intregul abdomen. Asa arata doi bebelusi sanatosi si doua pierderi de sarcina in 11 ani pentru mine. Fiecare semn reprezinta o putere pe care corpul meu a folosit-o sa creeze viata. Pentru fiecare vergetura de pe corpul meu a urmat fiecare respiratie, clipit de ochi, cascat, zambet. Am tanjit dupa aceste cicatrice. Am cinci luni de cand am nascut. Sunt surprinsa de cat de vizibila inca este linea nigra pe stomacul meu si ca stomacul meu care a fost intins la maxim este cu 10 nuante mai inchise decat restul corpului. S-ar putea sa nu mai am vreodata un abdomen plat, dar nu-mi este teama sa port bikini la plaja in vara asta. Grasimea pe care am acumulat-o si pielea imi atarna peste tot. Am invatat sa imi iubesc corpul si calatoria pe care a facut-o.”

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“How is this considered ugly? This is #Motherhood. My story, marked (literally) all over my abdomen. This is what two healthy babies and two miscarriages in 11 years looks like for me. _ Each mark represents the #Strength my body used to create #Life. For every #StretchMark I encountered on my body was for every breath, every blink, every yawn, every smile. I longed for these scars. _ I’m five months #postpartum. I’m surprised by how visible my #LineaNigra (#PregnancyLine) still is and my stomach that was stretched past its limits is about 10 shades darker than the rest of my body. _ I may not have a flat tummy ever. But I’m not afraid to wear that old bikini to the beach this Summer. My lower baby fat and loose skin is hanging around. I’ve learned to love my #PostpartumBody and its journey.” @nazzhie_xo (via @expectful) #takebackpostpartum

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6.”Sa traiesti privarea de somn pe care o aduce un nou-nascut, paturile nefacute, pijamale intrega zi, prea mult tv, milioane de scutece si alaptarea continua. Am fost sincera cu voi pe perioada calatoriei din sarcina si vreau sa continui astfel. Nu vreau ca oamenii sa creada ca m-am retras sau ca imi doresc sa ma ascund – de ce sa arat fotografii ale burticii mele si sa fiu mandra de ea, iar apoi sa ma simt rusinata imediat cum se naste bebelusul? Societatea este conditionata sa ascunda corpurile postpartum, sa se simta rusinata de pielea moale si de vergeturi, de burticile si sanii lasati. Exista atat de multa presiune ca sa-ti revii, sa acoperi. Dar cea mai stupida parte este ca cele mai multe dintre noi le avem, intr-o oarecare masura. Asa ca de ce sa ne ascundem – de teama de judecata? Ar trebui sa fim mandre de corpurile noastre care au crescut, au hranit si au dat nastere bebelusilor si continua sa ii hraneasca dupa ce vin pe lume. As minti daca as spune ca imi ador corpul de acum, dar il accept. A purtat doi bebelusi mari, acumuland si slabind 33 kg si apoi inca 25 kg si 2 cezariene (despre care nici nu aveam idee cum va arata pana nu am avut) care au rezultat la multa piele moale, mai multe vergeturi decat mi-am imaginat si un buric de nerecunoscut. Dar imi doresc sa imi recapat corpul…de ce? Pentru ca nu a plecat nicaieri! A fost mereu aici, crescand oameni – sunt destul de sigura ca nu trebuie sa il pedepsesc cand a facut atat de multe pentru mine. In plus, vreau sa mananc cand imi este foame (adica mereu), sa iau lucrurile incet si sa ma bucur de aceasta perioada, deoarece va disparea cat ai clipi.”

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{Postpartum} “Living in the newborn haze of sleep deprivation, unmade beds, pjs all day, too much tv, millions of nappies and breastfeeding.all.day. 🤱⠀ _ I’ve been so honest with you all through my pregnancy journey, and I wanted to continue to be honest after. I don’t want people to think I’ve just bounced back (😂lol) or suddenly to hide myself away – why should I share photos of my big bump and be proud of it, then suddenly become ashamed as soon as the baby is out? 🤷‍♀️⠀ _ As a society, we are so conditioned to hide our postpartum bodies, to be ashamed of loose skin and stretch marks and saggy bellies and breasts. Theres so much pressure to bounce back, suck it in, cover it up… But the stupidest part is that most of us have it, to some degree or another!! 🤷‍♀️ _ So why the hell are we all hiding away – fear of judgement? We should be proud of our bodies that grew, nourished and birthed our precious babies, and continue to feed them once they’re out. ⠀ _ I would be lying if I said I loved the way my body looks now, but I’m ok with it. Carrying two very large babies, gaining and losing 33kg then gaining another 25kg and having 2 c cections (which by the way – I had no idea about the C-section tum until I got it 😬) has left me with lots of loose skin, more stretch marks than I’d ever imagined and a bellybutton that is unrecognizable. _ But I’m not out to try and “get my body back”… why? Because it never bloody went anywhere!! It was here the whole time, growing humans – I’m pretty sure I should be giving it a damn break not punishing it when it’s done so much for me.⠀ _ Plus, right now I just want to eat when I’m hungry (which is ALL the time) take it slow and enjoy this precious time, because it will be over in the blink of an eye!@sarahbaughen ⠀ Words and image credit: @sarahbaughen. #fourthtrimester #postpartum #momlife #instsmom #this_is_postpartum #motheringwithoutfear #love #loveyourdamnself #birthwithoutfear #inspirepregnancy #motherhood #celebrating_my_postpartum #takebackpostpartum ⠀

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7.”Cand eram insarcinata cu Paisley, a fost mereu un lucru care ma obseda si ma speria mai mult decat sa nasc pentru prima oara, depresia postpartum. Stateam treaza noaptea temandu-ma de emotiile care vor urma dupa ce nasc. O voi iubi? O voi uri? Voi simti resentimente pentru modul in care s-a transformat corpul? Acestea sunt ganduri extrem de reale pe care le-am avut si nu le-am putut scoate din cap. Dupa ce am avut de-a face cu depresia si anxietatea intreaga mea viata, am fost sigura ca este inevitabil sa trec prin perioada postpartum. Apoi am nascut si m-am simtit bine. De fapt, m-am simtit mai bine decat intreaga mea viata. M-am simtit fericita si puternica, ca si cum as fi facut ceva ce niciun om nu ar putea. Poate era doar oxitocina, dar m-am simtit ca si cum as fi plutit pe un nor. Apoi au trecut saptamani si luni si epuizarea s-a instalat. In jurul perioadei de 6 luni postpartum am inceput sa ma simt infranta. Ca si cum daca nu as fi facut curand o pauza voi ajunge sa ma descompun. Imi amintesc cum stateam in masina, cu lacrimi pe fata deoarece Paisley facuse in acea zi o multime de lucruri care m-au determinat sa ma intreb daca sunt o mama buna sau nu. M-am simtit astfel timp de vreo 2 saptamani si apoi am fost in sfarsit in stare sa imi revin. Nu sunt medic, asa ca nu stiu daca a fost depresie postpartum, dar ceea ce stiu este ca indiferent prin ce treci, fie epuizare, depresie sau pur si simplu oboseala, vei reusi. Cere ajutorul cuiva. Spune ca ai nevoie de sprijin. Acorda-ti putin timp pentru a practica iubirea si ingrijirea de care ai nevoie. Nu poti sa oferi nimic dintr-un pahar gol. Stiu ca este greu, dar nu esti singura si nu ar trebui sa te simti ca si cum nu esti suficient de demna sa fi ajutata. Meriti mai mult decat crezi. Esti o zeita razboinica. Mama care a nascut acel copil frumos si meriti fiecare gram de sprijin si iubire pe care il poti primi. Nu renunta.”

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“When I was pregnant with Paisley, there was always one thing that I would obsess about that scared me more than giving birth for the first time, #postpartum #depression. I would lay awake at night in fear of what emotions I would have after having her. Would I love her? Would I hate her? Would I feel resentment for what my body just went through? These are all very real thoughts that I had and I couldn’t get them out of my head. After dealing with depression and #anxiety my entire life, I was certain that going through it postpartum was inevitable. Then I had her and I felt….fine. In fact, I felt better than I had in my entire life. I felt happy and strong and powerful like I had just done something no other human ever could. Maybe it was just the #oxytocin talking but it was a feeling like I was floating on a cloud. Then days and weeks and months went by and the exhaustion finally set in. Around 6 months postpartum I started feeling defeated. Like if I didn’t get some kind of break soon then I would end up breaking myself. I remember sitting in my truck, tears streaming down my face because Paisley did a number of things that day that made me question whether or not I was a good mom. I felt this way for a couple weeks and then I finally was able to pull myself out of it. I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure if it was #PPD or not, but what I do know is that whatever you’re going through be it exhaustion, PPD, #PPA or even just feeling tired—you are GOING to get through this. Ask someone for help. Tell them you need their support. Take some time to practice self love and self care. You can’t pour from an empty glass. I know it’s hard, but you aren’t alone and you should never feel like you aren’t worthy enough to get the help you need. You are beyond worthy. You are the warrior goddess Mama that birthed that beautiful baby and you deserve every ounce of support and love that you can get. Don’t give up.” 🦋 @mschloemeghan . . . Image belongs to the person tagged. Do not alter or use without their permission. #postpartum #birthwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum #motherhood #selflove #selfcare

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8. “Nu este anorexie. Este o problema a tiroidei. Nu stiu ce spune despre mine faptul ca am ajuns atat de slaba si nu am crezut ca am vreo problema. Vinerea trecuta am avut un nodul in gat care m-a determinat sa merg in sfarsit la medic. Inca astept analizele, dar medicul meu crede ca este boala Graves. Daca abia ai nascut si ai slabit enorm, te simti ca si cum te-ai droga, esti intoleranta la caldura si iti cade parul incontinuu si simti ca sotul tau este un nemernic ar putea fi glanda tiroida. Mergi rapid la un control!”

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“NOT anorexia, it’s a thyroid issue. I don’t know what it says about me that I got this thin and didn’t think there was anything wrong. Last Friday, I had a bulge in my neck that finally got me to the doctor. I’m STILL waiting on blood work but my doc thinks it’s Graves. If you just had a baby and have lost an inordinate amount of weight, feel like you are on cocaine, are suddenly heat intolerant, and can’t stop losing hair, and feel like your husband is being a dick it might just be your thyroid!! Get checked ASAP.” @jennyandteets2 . . . . Image belongs to the person tagged. Do not alter or use without their permission. #thyroid #postpartum #reallife #momlife #birthwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum

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9. “Dragoste multa pentru proaspetele burtici dupa nastere. Cum poate fi un corp dupa nastere altfel decat magnific? Daca poti gasi frumusete in corpul altei femei de ce sa nu gasesti si in al tau? Cu totii impartim aceeasi energie, frumusete si magie, chiar daca este intr-o forma care variaza.”

10. “Ei bine, stiu ce va ganditi – de ce sa posteze aceasta poza? Dar mi-a luat 18 luni sa ajung aici, 18 luni in care sa nu plang cand ma privesc in oglinda, 18 luni in care sa ma simt in final frumoasa cu propria-mi piele! Nu te avertizeaza nimeni cu privire la dezavantajele maternitatii si sarcinii. Nu te incurajeaza nimeni dupa ce te schimbi fizic si psihic cand devii mama. A fost o calatorie lunga si dificila pentru mine, 18 luni dupa primul fiu si 5 luni dupa cel de-al doilea si simt in sfarsit ca vad lumina, iar asta mi se pare minunat. Felicitari mamelor care va confruntati cu depresia postpartum si inca reusiti sa va treziti in fiecare zi pentru copiii vostri. Felicitari mamelor care inca plangeti pentru semenele de pe piele ramase dupa nasterea bebelusilor vostri perfecti. Felicitari maternitatii, caci toate trec. Iar lucrurile merg spre bine.”

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“Well, I know a lot of you guys are probably thinking ‘why would she post this picture’, but, it took me 18 months to get here, 18 months to not cry when I look in the mirror, 18 months to finally feel beautiful in my own skin again! No one warns you about the dark sides of motherhood and pregnancy.. no one gives you a heads up on how much you change physically and mentally after you become a mother. It’s been a long and hard postpartum ride for me.. 18 months after my first son and 5 months after my second son I feel like I can finally see the light ✨ and it genuinely feels amazing. Cheers to you mamas who are battling postpartum depression and still getting up everyday for your children! Cheers to you mamas who still cry about the marks on your skin from birthing your perfect babies! Cheer to motherhood, cheers to knowing that this too shall pass! And things will get better.” @alexandrabrea_ ©2017 by Alexandra Kilmurray All rights reserved _ #motherhood #postpartum #postpartumdepression #babies #takebackpostpartum

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11. “Se poate sa fiu putin mai moale, dar de fapt sunt mai puternica, iar aceste semne imi amintesc cum am tinut-o strans si am crescut-o pe Emilia Ren. Acest corp, eu, poate sa nu fie la fel, dar daca ea poate descoperi confort si siguranta in el, pot si eu.”

12. “In seara aceasta postez aceasta poza pe care am facut-o in urma cu cateva saptamani in vacanta. Nu am postat-o la acel moment si nu stiu de fapt de ce. Cred ca pentru ca nu este poza perfecta. Exista o multime de chestii pe care nu as vrea sa le vad in background. Dar am facut poza deoarece imi amintesc ca ma uitam la mine si ma simteam eliberata. Am inceput sa ma gandesc cat de departe am ajuns in calatoria catre dragostea de sine. Iar apoi am inceput sa ma gandesc la realitatea de pe social media, iar realitatea este ca viata nu este perfecta. Si suntem cu totii vinovati ca ne postam doar cele mai avantajoase poze. Acest corp nu este nici inainte, nici dupa si nici in curs de. Acesta este corpul meu acum. Prea mult timp am incercat sa imi revin si sa scap de greutatea din sarcina. Am incetat sa fac asta. Cred ca ce vreau sa spun este sa iti traiesti viata, sa uiti de numere. Fii tu insuti. Am petrecut prea mult timp urandu-ma pe mine, fiindu-mi cel mai aprig dusman. Este momentul sa inchei aceasta lupta dintre corpul si mintea mea. Este timpul sa fiu eu.”

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“Tonight I’m sharing this photo I took a few weeks ago whilst on holiday. I didn’t post it at the time and I don’t actually really know why. I guess it’s because it’s not picture perfect. There’s a loo roll in the background to start with! _ But I took this photo because I remember looking at myself and feeling relief. I started thinking about how far I’ve come on my journey to self love. And then I started thinking about the reality of social media, and the reality is, life isn’t picture perfect. And we’re all guilty of posting our most ‘flattering’ photos. _ This body is not a before, not an after, not a work in progress. This is my body now. Far too long I’ve tried to ‘bounce back’ tried to shed the ‘baby weight’ tried to ‘cut the cake’. Not anymore. _ I guess what I just want to say is live your life, forget about silly numbers. Be yourself. I’ve spent too long hating myself, being my own worst enemy. Its time to end this battle between my body and my mind. It’s time to be me.” Words and image by @lauren_dungey. . . . . . . #effyourbeautystandards #postpartum #postpartumbody #bodypositive #bodyposi #selfloveisthebestlove #everybodyisbeatiful #selflove #takebackpostpartum #postpartum #mumbod #bodyconfidence #bodypositivity #nofilter #loveismyfilter #loveyourlines

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13. “Da, acest copil este cu capul in jos. Incercand sa desfunde un canal galactofor. Perioada post partum arata cam asa. Obosita in ultimul hal, cu sani care curg, canale blocate si infectate, burta care atarna, sani inegali, lacrimi, caca, pipi si voma de bebelus, mameloane crapate care sangereaza, sa pretinzi ca iti asculti copiii de 7 si de 9 ani dar nu ai habar ce zi, sa mananci si sa bei mai mult decat in sarcina. Dupa cum vezi, este super distractiv si nu as schimba asta pentru nimic in lume. Dar trebuie sa imi revin? Corpurile noastre au purtat o fiinta umana pentru 40 de saptamani, au nascut-o, iar ultimul lucru pentru care trebuie sa ne ingrijoram este sa slabim, sa revenim la normal sau sa fim eroi si sa facem totul. Am invatat lectia cu primii doi. Te da peste cap mental. Multumeste-i corpului tau ca face o treaba atat de buna. Nu te astepta la prea multe de la tine si nu uita ca toate trec.”

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Yup. This kid is upside down. Trying to unblock a milk duct Post partum looks a little like this 👊🏽 ✔Tired as fuck ✔Leaking tits ✔Infected and blocked milk ducts ✔A floppy gut ✔Uneven boobs ✔Tears (quite a few) ✔Covered in baby shit, vomit and piss ✔Bleeding cracked nips ✔Pretending you are listening to your 7 and 9 year old but you don’t know what the fuck they are saying ✔Eating and drinkng more than you did when you were pregnant As you can see its super glamorous and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Also this need to “bounce” back ? Our bodies carried a human for 40 weeks, birthed the bloody thing, the last thing we shoukd worry about is loosing weight, or getting back to normal, or trying to be a hero and do everything. I learnt my lesson with the first two. It does sweet fuck all for your mental health Thank your amazing body for doing such an awesome job. Don’t expect too much from your self and remember this too shall pass. From a blistered nipple mumma xx @benessa_v #takebackpostpartum

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14. “Mi-am dorit sa postez asta de ceva vreme. Aproape zilnic primesc mesaje de la alte mame care ma intreaba cum arat asa. Cum am ajuns sa imi recuperez vechiul corp. Iata adevarul, doamnelor – nu am facut-o. Am piele in exces. Nu am definitia stomacului pe care obisnuiam sa o am. Soldurile mele sunt putin mai late. Nu vreau sa existe pareri gresite. Corpul meu nu si-a revenit. Pentru ca am spus asta, ma chinui sa mentin un stil de viata sanatos si sa ma simt bine in pielea mea. S-ar putea sa nu mai arat niciodata in modul in care aratam inainte de gemeni. Si stii ce? Nu am nicio problema cu asta. Am brate. Am picioare. Pot sa vad, sa aud si sa traiesc. Corpul meu a facut lucruri uimitoare, de ce sa il pedepsesc? Invata sa apreciezi ce ai. Nu inseamna ca trebuie sa te opresti din a munci pentru ce doresti, doar arata putina dragoste pentru tine insati pe parcurs.”

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“I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now. Almost everyday, I receive messages from other Mums asking me how I look the way that I do. How I got my ‘pre baby body’ back. Here’s the truth ladies – I DIDN’T. I have the excess skin. I don’t have stomach definition the way I used to. My hips are a little wider. I don’t want there to be any misconceptions. My body did not just ‘bounce back’. Now having said that, I work very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to FEEL good in my skin. I may not ever look the way I did before I had the twins. And you know what? I’m OK with that. _ I have arms. I have legs. I can see, hear and experience life. My body has done amazing things, why on earth would I punish it? _ Learn to appreciate what you have. It doesn’t mean you have to stop working for what you want, just show a little self love along the way.” @twinmamadiaries #takebackpostpartum

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15.”Asta este la o saptamana dupa nastere. Retine ca exista la fel de multe variatii ale aspectului normal postpartum precum sunt in timpul sarcinii si al nasterii.”

16. “Timpul te va impinge catre limite, mai repede decat iti doresti, imbatranindu-te in moduri care te dor, incetinindu-te, obosind si devenind slaba. Razi. Mergi. Mananca. Bea. Danseaza, Gradinareste. Sari. Fa un efort si opreste timpul. Stai intr-o ploaie de vara, lasa-te spalata compet de apa. Dormi sub un copac, cand restul merg la munca. Urca-te pe o bicicleta si fa o calatorie. Bea vin sau lapte mai incet decat de obicei…savureaza fiecare picatura. Bebelusii iti sug energia. Copiii iti trateaza corpul precum o sala de antrenament, invinetindu-ti pielea si tragand de muschii tai. Profesiile te vor face sa stai inauntru prea mult timp. Partenerii te vor ignora. Prietenii vor crede ca esti prea ocupat ca sa petreci timp cu ei. Instrumentele muzicale vor sta in cutiile lor, uitate. Parul va ramane nespalat. Primele intalniri vor fi plictisitoare si iti vor irosi timpul. Indragostitii iti vor sfasia inima si te vor purta printr-un rollercoaster emotional, lasandu-te nesigura si distrusa. Travaliul si nasterea si lauzia vor fi dureroase, dificile si epuizante, lasandu-te cu un corp pe care nu il cunosti sau despre care nu ai o parere buna. Drumul maturitatii este plin de provocari si abrupt. Dar este incredibila. Esti moale si pretioasa. Esti generoasa si hranesti. Frumoasa si senzuala. Meriti sa fii onorata. Meriti sa fii iubita. Opreste-te pentru un moment si iubeste-te. Repeta la infinit.”

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“Time will push you to your limits, faster than you want it to, aging you in ways that make you ache, slow down, grow tired and weak. Laugh. Walk. Eat. Drink. Dance. Garden. Skip. Make an effort and stop time. Stand beneath a rainshower, let yourself become completely drenched. Nap under a tree, when the rest of the world goes to work. Get on a bicycle and go for a cruise. Drink that wine or milkshake slower than you ever thought you could… savour each drop. _ Babies will suck your energy up. Children will treat your body like a jungle gym, bruising your skin, and pulling your muscles. Jobs will have you sitting indoors for too long. Partners may take you for granted. Friends will be under the illusion that they are too busy for simpler times spent together. Musical instruments will sit in their cases, forgotten. Hair will go unwashed. First dates will be boring and waste your time. Lovers will rip your heart out and put you through emotional hell and back, leaving you gutted, insecure and distrusting. Labor and birth and early motherhood will be painful, hard and depleting; leaving you with a body you may not know so well, or feel so good about. _ The path of adulthood is textured and often, uphill. But. _ You are incredible. You are soft, and precious. Giving, and nurturing. Beautiful and sensual. _ You are worth honouring.You are worth loving.Stop for a moment, and love yourself. _ Repeat x infinity. _ IMAGE AND WORDS BY @elliana_allon. . . . . Image belongs to the person tagged. Do not alter or use without their permission. #postpartum #reallife #momlife #birthwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum

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17. “In pofida faptului ca perioada mea postpartum a fost dificila si inca este, ceea ce vad mai mult decat orice cand ma uit la ranile pe care Hope mi le-a lasat este o mama frumoasa si iubitoare care incearca sa faca tot ce poate pentru a oferi cea mai buna dragoste si ingrijire pentru miracolele ei. Vad o femeie puternica care nu doar a luptat si a cucerit infertilitatea, ci a avut puterea sa se exprime si nu a lasat anxietate si depresia postpartum sa o invinga. Exista atat de multa frumusete atunci cand privesc la ranile mele.”

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“Despite how difficult my postpartum was and sometimes still is, what I see more than anything when I look at my Hope wounds is a beautiful and loving Mama trying to do all she can to provide the greatest love and care for her miracles. I see a strong woman who not only fought and conquered infertility, but spoke up and ultimately didn’t let postpartum anxiety and depression beat her. There is so much beauty in that when I look at my Hope wounds.” @thefortintrio _ Celebrating my Scars. Link in her bio. _ #tripletmom #tigerstripes #postpartumbody #postpartumdepression #bebraveyou #motherhood #momlife #motherhoodsimplified #postpartum #mombod #hopewounds #birthwithoutfear #selflovegeneration #takebackpostpartum

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18. “De ce sa iti fie rusine? O viata care a crescut in interiorul tau ofera umanitatii speranta schimbarii. Ai simtit lucruri pe care eu ca barbat nu le voi intelege niciodata. Chiar cand ai tinut pentru prima data fetita sau baiatul tau nu s-a comparat cu momentul in care acesta a stat in bratele tatalui. Corpul tau s-a schimbat ca si tine. A devenit o oglinda pentru trecutul tau. Ai crescut mental si emotional, iar spiritul tau a ajuns in locuri in care nu credeai. Sanii tai pot sa stea altfel. Fundul tau poate sa nu mai fie la fel de ferm ca odinioara. Dar de ce sa fie altfel cand ai dat atat de mult din tine pentru a ne ajuta pe toti. Un sarcificiu daca preferi sa privesti lucrurile altfel. Dar pentru mine corpul tau de acum este exact cum trebuie. Asa ca nu fii rusinata. Nu iti ascunde schimbarile de lumea pe care tu si surorile tale ati creat-o. Fii mandra de povestea ta. Fii mandra de liniile tale. Fii mandra de cine ai ales sa fii.”

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“Why be ashamed? A life grew inside of you that gives humanity hope of change. You felt things that I as a man will never understand. Even when you first held your baby girl or boy it was nothing similar to when they lay in their father’s hands. Your body changed and so did you. It became a look into the past of what you went through. You grew mentally and emotionally and your spirit was taken to places you didn’t think it would ever go. Your breasts may sit differently. Your ass may not be as thick as it once was. But why should it be when you gave so much of yourself to help all of us. A sacrifice of sorts if you choose to see it that way. But to me your body now is exactly how it’s supposed to be. So don’t be ashamed. Don’t hide your changes from the world that you and your sisters helped create. Be proud of your story. Be proud of your lines. Be proud of who you’ve chosen to be.” @expressionsuntold___ _ Muse: @sereneradianceyoga Photo by @expressionsuntold___ #birthwithoutfear #dontforgetdads #takebackpostpartum

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19. “Respira adanc. Asta sunt eu. Acesta este corpul meu. Corpul meu in calitate de supravietuitor al cancerului, amputate, mama de 3 copii. Am cicatrice care arata bataliile pe care le-am purtat, vergeturi care arata bebelusii pe care i-am crescut. Corpul meu spune o poveste, arata calatoria mea… Si totusi nu am fost niciodata atat de aspra cu mine insami si cu modul in care arat ca acum. Sunt la 16 luni postpartum, inca alaptez. Stomacul meu este inca moale, iar sanii nu vor fi niciodata atat de semeti pe cat erau odata. Astazi a trebuit sa ma opresc din a cauta nod in papura. A trebuit sa fiu blanda cu mine insami si sa incerc sa ma privesc in modul in care oamenii pe care ii iubesc ma vad. A trebuit sa ma uit la lucrurile uimitoare pe care corpul acesta le-a realizat. Cum as putea vedea doar greseli intr-un vas care mi-a oferit atat de multe? Acesta este corpul meu.”

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“Deep breaths…..this is me. This is my body. My body as a cancer survivor, as an amputee, as the mom to 3. I have the scars to show the battles I have fought, I have the stretch marks to show the babies I have grown. My body tells a story, it’s shows my journey……. And yet I have never been so hard on myself and how it looks as I have now. I’m 16 months postpartum, I’m still nursing. My stomach is still soft and my breast will never be as perky as they once were. Today I had to stop the nitpicking… I had to be kind to myself and I had to try to look at myself the way the people I love see me. I had to look at the amazing things this body has done. How can I see only faults in a vessel that has given me so much? This is MY body.” @treeoflifedoula3 #takebackpostpartum

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20. “Imprejurari prezente – prins sub un bebelus care doarme.”

21. “Am ajuns la capat de drum asa ca eu si Margot am decis sa ne bucuram de un mic selfie. La o saptamana postpartum pot spune ca este mult mai greu decat am crezut vreodata. Dupa ce am avut o cezariana de urgenta si am nascut-o pe Nellie cu 3 luni mai devreme, mi-am spus ca cezariana noastra la termen, planificata, va fi ca o adiere. Cu siguranta nu mi-am revenit la fel cum am facut cu Nellie. Buricul meu va arata intotdeauna ca un ghemotoc de ate? A fost mult mai usor emotional, dar inca plang cel putin o data pe zi fara niciun motiv si bietii mei sani curg ca robinetele, totul este inmuiat in lapte matern. Margot adora sa fie alaptata la cerere, asa ca am petrecut ultimele 7 zile cu ea agatata de un mamelon, in timp ce incercam sa ma descurc si cu Nellie, iar acum am problema asta cu tensiunea. Cum reusesc oare mamele cu mai mult de doi copii? Nu ca mi-ar placea altfel, inca ma simt extrem de binecuvantata in paradisul bebelusulilor. Nu este nimic pe lume mai frumos decat sa fiu mama pentru fetele mele.”

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“No more bump shots so me and Margot have had a little selfie instead. One week postpartum and I can honestly say it’s been a lot harder than I ever thought. After having an emergency c-section and delivering Nellie 3 months early I though our full term, planned section would be a breeze. Well in no way have I “bounced back” like I did with Nellie. Will my belly button always look like a cats bum hole? 😆 It’s been a lot easier emotionally but I still cry at least once a day over absolutely nothing and man my poor boobies are running like taps, everything is soaked in breast milk, Margot loves a comfort feed so I’ve spent the last 7 days with her hanging of my nipple whilst contending with Nellie and now this silly blood pressure problem. How an earth do you mummas with more than two do it? Not that I would have it any other way, I’m still utterly and blissfully in baby paradise. There really is nothing I’d rather be doing than mothering my two girls.” @sageandnellie . . . #postpartum #1weekold #1weekpostpartum #4thtrimester #newborn #babygirl #toddlermum #mumoftwo #takebackpostpartum

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22. “Acesta este corpul meu postpartum. La 10 saptamani dupa nasterea frumoasei mele fiice prin cezariana. Am slabit aproape 15 kg si am 1,57 m. Greutatea de dinainte de sarcina era 66 kg, la nastere 93 kg, acum 82 kg. Cand esti insarcinata nu stii cum va arata corpul tau dupa. Speri sa fie la fel ca al tuturor acestor femei de pe Instagram care revin imediat la abdomenul cu patratele. Dar asta nu este viata reala. Daca ai vergeturi, ele nu dispar pur si simplu. Daca pielea ti s-a intins la maxim si ai cateva kilograme in plus, nu dispar toate ca prin magie. Daca ai avut o cezariana, iti este si mai greu. Mi-a fost foarte dificil sa accept aceste lucruri. Nu mi-a fost usor sa ma privesc in oglinda. Dar cand ma gandesc la asta, corpul meu a calatorit pana in iad si inapoi si inca sta in picioare. Fiica mea este uimitoare si am creat-o in intregime cu aceste corp. Asta este normal.”

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“This is my #PostartumBody. 10 weeks after the birth of my beautiful daughter by #cesarean. I’ve dropped almost 30lbs. I’m 5’2″. Pre-pregnancy weight 146lbs, at birth 207lbs, now 181lbs. Being pregnant, you don’t know what your body will be like after. You hope it’ll be like all these women on IG that go immediately back to having a six pack. But, that’s not {my} real life. If you got stretch marks, they don’t disappear. If you were stretched to the max and gained some weight, everything doesn’t magically go away. If you had a cesarean, it pushes you back even more. Ive had an incredibly hard time trying to accept these things. Looking in the mirror has not been easy. But when I really think about it, my body went to hell and back and its still standing. My daughter is amazing and I created every piece of her with this body. This IS normal!” @phoenix_sunstar _ #postpartum #cesarean #birthwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum #selflovegeneration

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23. “Asta este foarte tare. Cea mai mare provocare pe o clienta dura si incantatoare, acoperirea unei cicatrice, lotusul este vindecator.”

24. “Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu distribui aceste poze. Sunt multe descrieri pe care le-as fi putut completa alaturi de ele, dar am vrut sa aud ce simtiti cand le vedeti.”

25.”Cine se regaseste in aceasta ipostaza? Iar zambetul din ea…face totul.”

Surse: https://tfln.co


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